Truth Love Clarity Psychic Readings Love

Truth Clarity Psychic Readings Love I work on it all day long. Children, at the University of the Internet, are learning synchronous search engine results management skills to call your attention to the fact that they were created to die without their consent and they know, on a feeling level, that that intention is not love. Well that sucks. Hitler can't have a death camp but Mommy can. Happy sMOTHERS day.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Google Search Aptitude Evidence Photograph taken Sept 2, 2011, Sedona


About Robert:

Children's Legal & Constitutional Synchronous intent by Robert Ray Hedges and his Internet Phenomenon! Robert is excitedly and
Overtly Re-Choreographing all Search Engine Results using Fully Exposed and Explained.... relatively clever and well thought out Search
Engine Results Manipulation Strategies thus creating New Media Control Karma to displace old disrespectful Illuminati Dominance of
our collective human Psychie and our shared destiny potentiality aspect of the sum of all human intention and consequence! Robert
operates Semi-Overt Miracle Manifestation Art in causality using ParaEthicality combined with Attitude Engineering derived from an
accidental Psycho-chemical event which occured during routine surgery .... a gift of clarity...and a genomic inferentiality translational aptitude developed over the last 35 years, post pentatholically, with Evolving Integrity and a New Paradigm Respect for Life Assertionisms, Interneted Lingually in English ...then eventually, in all Languages.

Immortality: It's about Time

Immortality: It's about Time
Children's Legal & Constitutional Synchronous Search Engine Results Manipulation Art

About Me

My photo
Adsense Ads Work from Home Save Gas + Water Car Hydrogen Gas Technology for free clean reusable recyclable h2o Burning Water no CO2 fuel for Humanity I decided to take over the Internet and the entire human mind to prevent death from happening to all humans!